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@Ozone69 @green genes @Feenix @Benjamin Squier

See... I'm a very light user. I grow to help others, and I fucking LOVE the smell in the garden. Greenery of any type helps me relax, especially through 6 month winters. I make edibles to help others. My use is minimal. I have a Magic Flight that I load once a day, and maybe use half of what's in there. DEFINITELY a lightweight. My tolerance is basically nil. I've HAD horrible trips. Once I had an edible that was so strong, I couldn't sleep. I thought my heart would explode. And for someone with anxiety based around fear of death, that's horrendous. I was up for 13 hours like that. It was HORRID. In fact, since that happened, I haven't had more than a nibble, of my weakest edible recipe, and even that felt like too much. I haven't gotten that way through vaping, but the day-after feeling is apparently getting to me. I tried a bit last night, and today I'm back to being foggy. Could be strain related (PK and WW, both of which I've been using for a while, since it's what I grew in my first crop). The VAST majority of the time I have no problems at all. But lately I've been getting a lot of panic and such. But that's daily use, every night, to my own personal "going to pass out now" point, for about 2 years. I know, it's not a lot by some standards, but it is the second longest substance use I've had in my life, second to cigarettes (which I quit cold turkey 9 years ago). So, guess it's time to put it away for a bit. I'll give it a few days (most reputable sites recommend 72 hours to clear one's head out, based on my usage of about ... maybe .05g/day). Not going anywhere, still have my garden going, just going to take a t-break. :D

ADD: My first grow were photoperiod, SUPER high THC levels. This grow of autos is closer to a 1:1 ratio of CBD:THC, so hopefully it'll be more balanced. More calm, less cerebral. Not that I don't LIKE flying through the clouds... A change could be just what the green doctor ordered.
Neither of the above champion, finally got a nice lunch break so thought I'd jump on and say hi

Oh god I'll try smoke as much as possible before greening out haha, dunno about the rest of the class only have 25g left sooo first in best dresses I guess :vibe:
Good reply ok the rest of you will have to roll your own!:pass::crying::bighug:
Good reply ok the rest of you will have to roll your own!:pass::crying::bighug:
I don't have the slightest clue how to roll so every man for himself lol!!
Although I can smoke a bong or two, or six, hell I'll smoke the whole bag :baby:
i do like a diffuser over a downstem.less chuggy.but a dozen marbles can have a similar effect.
dhgate is tempting me badly.
What is this diffuser you speak of young grasshopper?
a diffuser is just a downstem with lots o holes.but throw a handfull of glass marbles in bottom of bong for same effect.

a diffuser is just a downstem with lots o holes.but throw a handfull of glass marbles in bottom of bong for same effect.
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Ahh copy that! My stem has slits in it like shark gills, would you class that as a diffuser, honestly I don't really see the purpose of it? Besides collecting gunk and blocking my stem lol
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