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Just if anyone from the US has used them and what they thought of them. I'm trying to get some DP seeds and having trouble finding a legit looking site that delivers state side.
They are legit just pay for the guaranteed shipping.
Mornin' @1939bear running a little late today, the dog decided she wanted to chase deer this morning
Use to hunt deer with dogs many moons ago . Nothing could stand the hair on your neck up faster than hearing that hound baying and the son of a bitch is heading in your direction . :rofl:
Use to hunt deer with dogs many moons ago . Nothing could stand the hair on your neck up faster than hearing that hound baying and the son of a bitch is heading in your direction . :rofl:
Normally I can start my truck and get back in the house and the 3 deer that hang out on my well won't even move. But apparently my dog has figured out how to open the door. Them deer had a little surprise this morning
It's Leaf tucking city BABY! Really just stunning how much bud activity you can get out of a plant just by revealing all those little innocent looking puny undergrowths. Gonna be some interesting plants to watch finish that is for sure.
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