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5 baby ducks

Baby ducksfoot pic1 -2-24-2017.jpg
Well im not getting younger..okay give me the badge:gassy::sadcry:

Hey budelee, It is a badge of honor. Of Courage, or may be someday. But look. Any pup willing to get into the pit with a real old geezer deserves something. You never know when one has Alzheimers and forgets he has a spanner in his back pocket or a 9 iron behind his back.
Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time..........:shooty::smoking:

Hey budelee, It is a badge of honor. Of Courage, or may be someday. But look. Any pup willing to get into the pit with a real old geezer deserves something. You never know when one has Alzheimers and forgets he has a spanner in his back pocket or a 9 iron behind his back.
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