son of soil
don't delayTis true the one and only myth buster, DIY guru and all round clever sod pop22, is with us tomorrow for darn fine grillin
OK so who's for a darn good read and maybe add a little to Frankensteins Lab yourself ,I know pop22 will appreciate it.
Also in order so we can ask him some fine questions, having a look at pop22's work , will help you ask him some questions!
If you haven't been the The Lab before, then you in for a treat, it is the best section of the forum you have never visited.
So don't delay have a look today.
Here is a link to see what all the Buzz is about, after all if he wasn't interesting, we wouldn't be interviewing him!!!
The Lab -
Auto Warriors Interview pop22
Tomorrow @6PM GMT
In Live Stoners
have a look today
cheers arty