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roger that green', thanks! It's very weird to see such a company goso dark like this, no hint at all about WTF happened! If it was simply just a redesign or something, you'd think they'd have a info page come up to say so,... :shrug:
I also saw on reddit that all of their social media stuff disappeared? I didn't check though.

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I had fun today, I grafted an eggplant onto a tomato. how do ya like that I say! Pretty soon Imma have all my veggies started. I'm gonna risk planting early this year, I usually wait till mothers day because of that one time I lost all my plants due to a late frost. Most folks here plant in April, I'm doing that too this year.

March 21 is the magic date for my area but with our record breaking warm winter, I'm seriously thinking of going a bit earlier - say the 15th. I am ready to get some dirt under my nails. :biggrin:
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@green genes -- what site are you seeing for Single Seeds, mate? I still get server not found, and google links to them are gone,... what does the addy bar say? If you got a website of some sort, it might very well be a scam! So far I've seen nothing about the situation with them....
I hit bookmarks and got site not found
:pighug:'Trail buddy, how are you man? yes, I'm usually on their site regularly for research purposes, as their line-up is tops and have good info about the strains,... plus I use them more than any other seed bank for seeds! ...been down for a while now; I'm wondering if any of our UK mates has heard something at their side of the pond...:shrug:
:pighug:'Trail buddy, how are you man? yes, I'm usually on their site regularly for research purposes, as their line-up is tops and have good info about the strains,... plus I use them more than any other seed bank for seeds! ...been down for a while now; I'm wondering if any of our UK mates has heard something at their side of the pond...:shrug:
I've ordered from them several times, only one prob and they immediately fixed it, hope we hear wtf
Eek I found a spider in my blueberry.

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predator species, our allies
If it was not residing in my blueberry I would have been OK with him but he had to go. Obviously something else in there for him to eat or he wouldn't be there. Now to figure out what he was eating, probably a fungus gnats or 2.

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