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hash only rocket

works in theory,but i made a bollocks of it.
anyone able to answer me this hydro Ph question....

15 gallon tank, I removed most of the water, but left about an inch at the bottom (depth of airstone) original water was Ph 5.8 to 5.5 on my meter, and 500 PPM
I added 12 gallons at 5.7 Ph, and the last 4 had 1/4 strength nutes base, 4 capful calmag, and 1/4 strength bud booster.

The tank came out WAY under Ph, it was at 4.0, so I added some up, and a couple gallons plain ph 7 water and got it back to about 5.5 and PPM now measures 800...

How did that happen? how does water go from 5.7 to 4 for nothing other than pouring it into a bigger container? The only thing I can think is that there was some hydrotron sediment or something that I stirred up.
I had fun today, I grafted an eggplant onto a tomato. how do ya like that I say! Pretty soon Imma have all my veggies started. I'm gonna risk planting early this year, I usually wait till mothers day because of that one time I lost all my plants due to a late frost. Most folks here plant in April, I'm doing that too this year.
is no paper,just a very thin sheet of hash rolled up.but i should have made it a bit thicker and with lower grade time.
that makes a lot more sense! My next comment was to be get some better paper glue my friend. Cause that gap is huge.
@green genes -- what site are you seeing for Single Seeds, mate? I still get server not found, and google links to them are gone,... what does the addy bar say? If you got a website of some sort, it might very well be a scam! So far I've seen nothing about the situation with them....
@green genes -- what site are you seeing for Single Seeds, mate? I still get server not found, and google links to them are gone,... what does the addy bar say? If you got a website of some sort, it might very well be a scam! So far I've seen nothing about the situation with them....

I just went back to my search page for single seed, it turns out the link I got from duck duck go is a forwarding to usa-seed. It's not even the first thing in a search anymore.... Whats odd to me is that it is saying cannot connect, not page not found. That indicates they were removed from DNS altogether.
roger that green', thanks! It's very weird to see such a company goso dark like this, no hint at all about WTF happened! If it was simply just a redesign or something, you'd think they'd have a info page come up to say so,... :shrug:
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