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I know it brother, and it's not just the view. Yea the house is small, and kind of primitive. Your nice beach cabin getaway. Really though it doesn't take a million acres of ocean and trees, peace can be found close to home too.
I use the Appalachian Trail. And national forests. Needs moar woods!
good morning/afternoon/evening live stoners
10:30 last "night"
soon, no night
I don't normally like to out people or embarrass them but that @BigSm0 is a great guy and I can't see any other way than to call him out on it. This is the way ALL small business start ups should operate. At this pace he wont be small potatoes for long. I won't elaborate but if you ever deal with him you will know what I mean. I would let him sit with my kids and that is a rare offering (no it's not. Stop lying pud. you are constantly trying to pawn those carbon based mobile sacks outside the Piggly Wiggly) and not spoken lightly.

You are amazing.

AFN should have a Service badge for those that make this site stand up on it's back legs and run.
Thank you puddentane. There is so much shit in this world it's nice to break free sometimes and enjoy the norm. Life is to short to squabble and cheat especially in business.
I have taken a liking to you after the first message you left here on afn and shortly after it was nice to see your interest in DIY. Now a customer and a happy one. Thanks to people like you, places like afn and mentors like @Son of Hobbes around I think I'll do just fine. Good time for a shoutout to :woohoo1:
This topic is a great deal of fun and interest but the hardest part of the internet is finding the really good jewels of research and knowledge on line. I still find it useful from time to time to run to the old brick library (we have a couple of good ones within 30 minutes drive) and sit down and spend an afternoon filling in the blanks. Once a year or so I try to get down to the University (4 hours drive) and fill in the hard blanks I cannot find here. If the library does not have it the Horticulture building is just a half mile away. You guys have me wanting to go down and talk again. Thanks for that.

Brain beginning to work again. Trog need coffee and foode.
I'm glad someone's brain is working, hahahaha, I'm on 1/2 synapse but will catch up
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