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Anyone here have any insight on this? I've done a little research but can't seem to find this. Plant is recovering from a little heat stress but this showed up after the heat problem was resolved.

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Another lesson to be learned eh Pudd . :smoking:
Their are no bad events if we learn from them. Chalk up one for separation of programs. I moved all the syn ferts to HEAVILY marked containers. She will make fine oil and still flowering fairly hard but I have no intention of smoking more than a bud or two to see what the impact was. And if my stupidity can help someone else avoid the same SNAFU than it was worth it. Just another entry in the WIKI that I wish this site had. It would be monumental. Link threads from the forums together by information topic and spur further discussion.

Hell, why haven't one of these guys written a book yet? I cannot see why Autos have not eploded. You can change genetics at the drop of a hat and take a vacation without worrying about Mother plants. You can shut it all off and run the Ozone generator while you bask in the sun at the beach.

BTW. the letter on my keyboard between the z and c no longer works. so sorry about the even worse than normal etc...
Anyone here have any insight on this? I've done a little research but can't seem to find this. Plant is recovering from a little heat stress but this showed up after the heat problem was resolved.

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
I see that on all my new growth under high loads of nutrients. They straighten out and flush nicely. I think it is a matter of getting enough calcium to the growth point at the rate of growth we see in high fertility. It has to play catch up. It should hopeful fi itself and perhaps a lighter ppm and spot on pH for a couple of rounds would help give things a chance to catch up

I am running Nectar for the Gods at the moment and the Bloom Khaos causes this without any long term issues. it just goes away.
I see that on all my new growth under high loads of nutrients. They straighten out and flush nicely. I think it is a matter of getting enough calcium to the growth point at the rate of growth we see in high fertility. It has to play catch up. It should hopeful fi itself and perhaps a lighter ppm and spot on pH for a couple of rounds would help give things a chance to catch up

I am running Nectar for the Gods at the moment and the Bloom Khaos causes this without any long term issues. it just goes away.
OK thanks man, I was a little heavy on the nutes so I backed way off to 1/4 strength yesterday when I watered her. Hopefully she straightens out, this is the first I've had this problem. I appreciate the help.

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Well that's just great! Somewhere in this house is a collection ifi everything He drew related to Bloom County. He was topical and sharp. Still funny today. "That's a fat bellied stogie sucker, and them's good eatin".

Have several of the old BC books floating around here somewhere, myself. The new stuff is great, as well. So good to see him putting out the strips again. The recent crossover with Calvin & Hobbes was just hilarious!

Changing the subject slightly . Would you use Sunshine 4 that was left outside from last years grow . I just poured it on the ground and left it over the winter . I"m not sure about reusing it . Bugs and all kinds of unsavory critters !!:shrug:
Hey fellas, we're messing around with some of the visual styles for the site, so if you see things change from one thing to the next, don't freak out lol. I'm trying to do the major switches on a test template so it won't interfere with most browsing, but some of the background image stuff may change. Just wanted to give an FYI!
Changing the subject slightly . Would you use Sunshine 4 that was left outside from last years grow . I just poured it on the ground and left it over the winter . I"m not sure about reusing it . Bugs and all kinds of unsavory critters !!:shrug:
Careful Bear you might be entering the world of organic growing. I would go for it.:thumbsup:
Geez I don't even know the difference between jpeg and raw . Thanks Feenix I swear you need a degree in engineering to understand these DSLR' s . The truth this camera is way over my head . Canon 5D Mark lll . :shrug:
You are welcome sir:toke:
Just set the size and put it in auto until you get the hang of it.
It is very similar to my Canon power shot. Just no changeable lens.I still run mine through GIMP if only to compress them further.I always aim for pics to be under 100k. Haven't posted any vids yet. Still looking for a secure host in a non treaty country. I'm hoping AFN will expand their storage. I don't mind paying a little for the security. So far all the vids I see are hosted on you tube or vimeo, neither are for me.
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