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I live on the edge, everything I do is a highly calculated risk. My calculations have gotten better with age lol.
As someone who ruined this shit body I'm stuck in by the time I turned 30, let me be the first to sir, are insane.
Frank buddy, thanks for double confirming seems many of them have Rep's yammering counter-propaganda in their ears about customer complaints that they just hoark-up the same canned dogshit excuses for poor quality and formulation changes,...
My pleasure!
..Dm-- in soil, yes, or blend it with RO/Di water reduce the mineral hardness some, and use less pH down,.. I think phosphoric acid is more durable, but also more powerful and harsh, which the soil herd will NOT like! As it is, ti bring 7.6 pH water, 1.5gal, down to 6.6-ish took about 1/4tsp of the citric acid!
That's cool elle and @Slowmo ....didn't know there was any CCG gamers around here...I never got into CCG's, I was always more of a miniature gamer. WW2 , Warhammer , Necromunda, Start Wars, Pirates of the Spanish Main, Herocix, Horrorclix, Mordheim, Heroscape , MechWarrior, Zombie games like Project Z and Dungeons & Dragons miniatures. Also play RPG's when I can get a group together.

As for growing meat and veggies...yes my wife and I with another couple grow around 80% of our yearly meat, fruit and veggies. We grow 2 cows(mini breed), 2 pigs and 140 chickens along with a dozen turkeys. For garden we have over 20 70foot rows we grow many varieties of fruits and veggies. My wife is big into preserving, so lots of fruit gets made into jams and jellies. Its a ton of work, but hey we get to eat meat that's not full of stereroids and growth hormones!!
I never got a chance to actually play miniature gaming, many years ago we went to a Call of Cthulu group for a while but it didn't always meet when it was supposed to and it wasn't really a genre we had much interst in. Hubby did a bit of DMing before he met me, AD7D is what got us realising we had stuff in common when we first met, and a love of dragons. That was over 25 years ago! I'd still love to play some RPG but it's not easy to find a regular group here.

Do you buy your cattle and pigs in at calf/weaner stage and grow them on, or breed your own? I'd love to have a cow if we buy a smallholding, but I think it'll be too much responsibility. Buying weaners in and raising chickens, I can do that. Got any pics of last year's?
@pop22 and @Waira
While your here. What are things I should order or find to add to my yard dirt to make a good soil!?

perlite, gypsum, rock dust, castings, compost, sawdust, wood chips, cardboard, food scraps, coffee grounds, grass clippings, mycellium, etc. Whole trees, smiles, and drip lines.
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