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Do you recommend that over regular ph down?

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I switched to earth juice double down/up for my last grow, it works great, but it takes a bit more than pH Up/Down did.
Hubby said he looked at Hearthstone but likes the complexity of Magic Online better... and he has a large collection of cards too LOL.

I feel your pain. Next Monday I go back to work after 7 months off... Different job, same place so I'll need to sharpen my brain before I go!

Hey @912GreenSkell did I see you say the other day that you rear 80% of your meat? What have you got, or what do you normally raise for eating?

That's cool elle and @Slowmo ....didn't know there was any CCG gamers around here...I never got into CCG's, I was always more of a miniature gamer. WW2(axis allies, war at sea, bolt action) , Warhammer , Necromunda, Start Wars, Pirates of the Spanish Main, Heroclix, Horrorclix, Mordheim, Heroscape , MechWarrior, Zombie games like Project Z and Dungeons & Dragons miniatures. Also play RPG's when I can get a group together.

As for growing meat and veggies...yes my wife and I with another couple grow around 80% of our yearly meat, fruit and veggies. We grow 2 cows(mini breed), 2 pigs and 140 chickens along with a dozen turkeys. For garden we have over 20 70foot rows we grow many varieties of fruits and veggies. My wife is big into preserving, so lots of fruit gets made into jams and jellies. Its a ton of work, but hey we get to eat meat that's not full of stereroids and growth hormones!!
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Frank buddy, thanks for double confirming seems many of them have Rep's yammering counter-propaganda in their ears about customer complaints that they just hoark-up the same canned dogshit excuses for poor quality and formulation changes,...
I've done Soilponics.......... and here's the results:

AU pic2 -1-29-2016.jpg

Hey Pop lets go Airoponics . Just ad water . :thumbsup:
... Step, they did get bought out by Monsanto or something? So I'm not surprized they fucked with the formulas some,... for an "organic" line, no nitrates should be found in the CaMg+, you'd think! What does the label ingrd. say about the sourcing materials?

Woohoo!! Sweets showed up today!! Finally we have a list of strains....Green POison and Cream Caramel for photos and Cream Mandarin XL and Bloody Skunk for autos.
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