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...religion has single handedly been the deadliest plague to hit mankind...
I'm not certain I should complete that thought, So I'll abbreviate it, and make it sound like it came from a mid-90s Bad Religion album...
"Religion, Politics...all ills of modern man that can't see that none is needed for a perfectly harmonious existence."

But even if we didn't have religion this world wouldn't be perfect, don't you think religion can give us freedom, morality, teach man kind too respect each other. I do think a lot of people have hijacked religion as cloak too carry on with there own agendas. But we all have our own paths and there's something inside in all off us that will question our existence and purpose in life. Who created such perfect bodies Where the nose is above the mouth, so we can smell our food. Why do we have eyebrows placed in a perfect place for sweat not too go into our eyes, why we have eye lashes and hair in our ears. Why are we designed so perfect. What created us? Science doesn't have all the answers, does religion have the missing links? Too answer the purpose of existence.
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got a butter machine on the way!, lots of frosty trim and this stuff to melt up!
Oh yea, I've been wondering how to approach all the trim. Don't want to make tincture with all of it. I like hash but that seems like too much bother:biggrin:
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