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id be lost without me grinder

Good morning AFN!

Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday Dear @Jraven
Happy Birthday to You

We can sing that again not that it is public domain:woohoo:

Hey stoners, I'm looking for a photoperiod recommendation, USA delivery. A heavy hitter is what I'm looking for. Any ideas?
I grew World of Seed's Wild Thailand over the summer and it is a winner.
Reclaiming [HASHTAG]#livestoners[/HASHTAG] A Final Warning.

I've just read back on Live Stoners and once again I am seeing people agitating with political and religious talk.

It does Not belong on site...and I will Not flaming tolerate it on [HASHTAG]#livestoners[/HASHTAG] Disturbs the atmosphere...and everything Live Stoners stands for.

In some cases it boils down to downright Bullying...

ANYONE mentioning politics or religion or considered Bullying will be Removed from Live Stoners as soon as we See it.. no second Warnings.

Site Rules..this is the last time I'll post them. :redcard:

C) No Trolling/Spamming.

Trolling is the act of posting inflammatory, offensive, or nonsensical posts or user names in order to incite argument and controversy. This also includes multiple user names for the same member. Members shall be limited to one user name per member.

Spamming is when send the same message indiscriminately to (large numbers of recipients.) Spamming also includes multiposting, which is when a member posts multiple posts in a row in a short amount of time.

D) No unauthorized product advertisting, website adveristing, or sales (this includes avatars, profile pictures, and signature areas.)

E) No discussing politics or religion.
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