I'm not offended in the slightest, but when I see misinformation I like it corrected ASAP as, well, we all know that a lie can be half way round the world before the truth has it's boots on and when such "misinformation" becomes the norm we lose all track of the actual reality in the world, followed by forgetting the mistakes made in the past as these mistakes get lost in the clutter and noise.
And when we forget these mistakes, we are guaranteed to make them again, leading to the regression of humanity instead of improvement.
Yh referring too too countries that have been blown too ashes, we’re baby’s lie lifeless, ypu call them sand pits, doesn't this contradict everything your saying, why do people like you think your always correct, gotta prove a point.know I understand why you had such a boost towards me.
Your argument started when I said they got millions too spend on a b52 bomber and they still can't find a cure for cancer??
You stated cancer is incurable, you gave me description off that, when science is revolving everyday. Break throughs are happening.I clearly said too you from a medical side off view are you qualified enough in every afpect of cancer and medicine. I didn't get a reply too that.
The same government that creates poxy wars, are the same guys who have had prohibition on cannabis for years. Everyone knows cannabis can cure many illnesses from seizures too insomnia, this is one plant. If it was medically recognised by l the pharma companies. They would collapse, you can't patent a plant lmaooo. They try there best too patent a replicated synthetic form too resemble the canniboids in the plant itself.yes the plant is used in the medical world but its still deemed my many countries as having no medical value and research needs too be done. You talked about organisations that spend 5 billion a year on research, I wonder why cannabis hadn't been grown and sample tissues taken lol, I bet most stones would do it for free lol. Charity's, organisations that make millions and billions, will vanish if they all said trust in the plant. God given medication, or created and perfected by evolution.
In all this where was the misinformation.
Out the kindness of my heart I said too you, if I offended you, take it as an apology even after that you had a good jolly bash at me lmaooo learn too chill out and trying too be Mr correct all the time.