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Live Stoners
resin farmers

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How can minimum wage be below poverty level .Its a slap in the face .

Because so-called "poverty levels" are an arbitrary figure pulled out of the air by others to further their own agenda. You just have to look at the criteria, and look at the expectations people have, plus other factors like their own fiscal mismanagement.

By certain definitions, I am in poverty yet can pay bills, have computers and games consoles and more than enough food to eat. So am I "in poverty"? No, not by any realistic standard thanks to a roof over my head, enough warmth in the house and 3 squares daily.

But according to the "experts", I'm at the same level as someone in a small village in sub-Saharan Africa without food or fresh water.

And that means questions should be asked regarding those making claims regarding "poverty"
That "lie" you speak of is taking its toll. It is really only a matter of time before the collapse. We've been ignoring the problems for decades, kicking it down the road for the next generation to deal with, and so far none have.

I hate to be a pessimist on this, but it doesn't matter how many brilliant and compassionate people formulate a plan for a utopian society. The rest of the people that are to live in it are selfish, self-centered, shortsighted idiots. And until you get them to go along with it, it won't happen. So in other words, it won't happen.

We are marching towards a collapse, and it won't be pretty. Will likely be bloody. Perhaps when the dust settles those that remain will come up with a better idea and start again.

I suggest you read Animal Farm and Lord of the Flies, two perfect examples of why those who claim to be able to create utopian societies are the ones who will be the first to abuse the notion of such a thing.

And that's why such a thing will never work
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