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Little blind (dunno how blind...just obvious he has eye issues) neighborhood cat who adopted my patio over the winter figured out the pet flap on the back door and started meandering in and out of the house a couple times a day. Trying to get the little guy hooked up with a cat rescue to try and get him a good forever home, so kind of fostering the little dude for now. Funny how some of us just seem to click better with the animals than with the people. :baked:

Harry Ballofunte (aka Hairball)
View attachment 916195

Goooooood morning ANF!!!!

My wife and I always have stray cats temporarily "adopt" us. It's never the typical tabby cats, either. Last cat was what looked like a russian blue. Real sweet, pretty cat. I couldn't sit on my porch swing without the young guy hopping up into my lap.

This was the first time he did that. I was out there relaxing, with my feet up and eyes closed, annnd then I hear a "meow" and felt something land in my lap.
I've been pondering the vinyl vs digital issue for years now.

The way I see it, the difference between the two has to come from two sources... Part of it is how the material is mastered. A recording mastered for the characteristics of vinyl will likely have a better chance of sounding better on vinyl. To be honest, I don't know if that is even a thing, but it makes sense given how flat the response curve is for digital recordings. Vinyl cannot possibly be that accurate.

Which brings me to the next part of my whacked theory... The playback from vinyl is not perfect. Similar to a "sampling error" on digital media. The imperfections are actually contributing to "smoothing" the sound. "Perfect" reproduction from digital brings subtle elements to the mix that you would not have even heard on the vinyl.

Some that say vinyl is better justify this by (accurately) pointing out that in digital, you have to discreetly introduce sounds at specific frequencies. There is no smooth step from tone to tone. With that said, the difference between any two steps is measured in tens of thousands of samples per second. In contrast, the grooves in a vinyl recording have pits that vary in width and depth. So it could be said that the needle is getting more of a smooth transition between sounds that digital has to handle discretely.

Or I am just insane.

Maybe both.
Makes a certain kind of sense to me, Mike! Imperfections are what makes life interesting..........
My wife and I always have stray cats temporarily "adopt" us. It's never the typical tabby cats, either. Last cat was what looked like a russian blue. Real sweet, pretty cat. I couldn't sit on my porch swing without the young guy hopping up into my lap.View attachment 916205
This was the first time he did that. I was out there relaxing, with my feet up and eyes closed, annnd then I hear a "meow" and felt something land in my lap.

The worst part about befriending stay kitties? The needle sharp outdoor kitty claws as they knead in their comfy spots!!! :kitty::jointman:

The worst part about befriending stay kitties? The needle sharp outdoor kitty claws as they knead in their comfy spots!!! :kitty::jointman:

I love cats but they have to be one the strangest creatures that humans interact with.........Sometimes I get the feeling that they are just hanging out, watching us and silently laughing their asses off!
There is an old Chinese legend that says cats used to be the dominate species on earth but they got tired of dealing with all the problems; so they elevated man to that position in order to assure that they would be taken care of forever.....
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