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Hell, I'll proxy for you if needed. Let me know if i can help.
Hey thanks for the offer mate noththing comes to my house they can send who they want to the ebay address and they will end up with a big F U from me bra and empty hands
but at the end off the day I dont think im doing anything wrong I tried the systems drugs and they have fucked me in the head and when i said no to the tabs they told me they cant help me so fuck em all sorry rant
Hey thanks for the offer mate noththing comes to my house they can send who they want to the ebay address and they will end up with a big F U from me bra and empty hands
but at the end off the day I dont think im doing anything wrong I tried the systems drugs and they have fucked me in the head and when i said no to the tabs they told me they cant help me so fuck em all sorry rant
That's just it.. You aren't doing anything wrong. I feel for ya, bro. Been toking to keep my head straight for 30+ years now. Had the same experience with the bullshit drugs that changes the brain chemistry in order to realize its effect. One that also works via a mechanism that doctors do not fully understand. Frankly, I'd rather feed the brain something that works with it in its natural state.

Good luck to you, my friend.
That's just it.. You aren't doing anything wrong. I feel for ya, bro. Been toking to keep my head straight for 30+ years now. Had the same experience with the bullshit drugs that changes the brain chemistry in order to realize its effect. One that also works via a mechanism that doctors do not fully understand. Frankly, I'd rather feed the brain something that works with it in its natural state.

Good luck to you, my friend.
The problem is I wasnt this bad when I went to see em and now I really beleive they fried my brain I don't think the same any more my chain of though is different now and Im highly strung its hard for me even to type anymore cause my brain is going a million miles an hour
The problem is I wasnt this bad when I went to see em and now I really beleive they fried my brain I don't think the same any more my chain of though is different now and Im highly strung its hard for me even to type anymore cause my brain is going a million miles an hour
@Mike20132 havnt had a pill for 5 months and my brain hasnt gone back to norm so thinking its just something i will have to deal with for the rest of my life. Thank fuck my missus loves me cause shes been thur hell with all this
The problem is I wasnt this bad when I went to see em and now I really beleive they fried my brain I don't think the same any more my chain of though is different now and Im highly strung its hard for me even to type anymore cause my brain is going a million miles an hour
I am not a doctor by any means. All i can testify to is my own personal experience. It has been about 7 years since I quit the dodgy medicines the doctor offered. I can't really tell if I am fully recovered. It's hard to really remember what it was like before... if that makes any sense. I can say that I am feeling much better now, with a long way to go.

At this point in my life, I am pretty sure I will never "cured;" there is nothing to cure. It's more about helping your brain to have a better time of things, and by extension that you do as well. Do the physical things you can do to help as well - go for long walks - go to the store for small purchases - you'll find that those things make you feel better in and of themselves.

There is nothing that life can throw at you that life cannot also defend you from. Stay strong, my brother. We're here for ya, man.
Gonna start the day trying for hybrid striped bass. I'll get bored and switch over to stuff for smallmouth bass (squarebills, chartreuse ANYTHING with a wiggly part) and largemouth bass.
The water here is still a little high, so I'll be fishing the mouth of smaller streams and runs that pour into the river. I guess the water is murky enough that the saugeye (walleye/sauger hybrid. Tastes like walleye.) are still going wild, So my chartreuse stuff may serve another purpose.

**if you don't know what a hybrid striped bass is... Picture a white bass, with the stripes of a striped bass...that gets up to 40lbs. Biggest I've ever caught was 17lbs**

Yes I am familiar with all of the species you mentioned for sure!! Always wanted to go after sauger/saugeye.
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