Nice one pal you gonna have beans coming out ya hairy ears soon lol. Gotta link to the story i read a good few in that thread but missed yours, was some real gold in there so wanna see what the winning entry was all about.
The world had woken after a long amnesia sleep

to find that

magic had been bannished from the world

There was anger

and confussion

and frustration

amongst the people .
They turned to drink

and trying to make there own crosses

but no one had the skills

to recreate the magic

that had been taken.
The people became sad

and their ailments got worse

leading to despair

and anger
Then the population heard of a group of knights

the legendary global moderators the most popular of which was a knight

called Blue who wore a headband of the same colour and was a skilled master of the coco
Blue was angry

that magic had been bannished from the lands and swore to return order to the world but how she thought
It came to her in a dream ,

magic appeared in her dreams and showed her the way to a secret hoard of freebies that had been hidden in the deepest cold in the frozen lands far to the north ,she awoke happy and had a little dance

she was sure she could find the seeds and follow the secret

of crosses that would let magic

return to the lands
After a long quest which at times seemed as though she was floging a dead horse

she was at a loss

Then into the pot her blue headband fell and

Blue magic was born
The population

danced with delight and

was happy and the global mods was revered

throughout the lands

This story is dedicated to
@Magic &
The end
I should explain you had to write a story how a strain of magic seeds got its name I chose bluemagic and its a cross between amnesia and blueheadband