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Saving this for the DG trim and any airy nugs I might get at the bottom..Should make for a strong one.

These next couple days (7-10) are going to drive me nuts... My Northern Lights is getting "loud" and making me want to chop her ass down so I can smoke... My self control is strong with this one, though, because I'm waiting until she's at 35%-50% amber...
18-06-02 07:31:19.png
its the really odd feeling you get when you smoke too much....some feel sick some are,some get a light head and have to sit down.some launch themselves head first at the telly and come to under a bust coffee table and a tv that no longer works.i blame walter white.
its the really odd feeling you get when you smoke too much....some feel sick some are,some get a light head and have to sit down.some launch themselves head first at the telly and come to under a bust coffee table and a tv that no longer works.i blame walter white.

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