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@9bear Yeah many different grades I think 12 big $$$
Had aspirations to become a chef when I was much younger until one day I walked into the kitchen of a Dutch restaurant in the middle of summer . The chef was dressed in his whites , sweating like a pig , no air and he was a very big man . That cured me . :toke:
@mohawk warrior you posted a pic the other day of a male plant dripping in pollen ,, now I have a male and what he produced is more like fairy dust I only could see it unless I caught site of it in the light ,,,
so my question is the quanity produced a positive or negative ,, :shrug:I kept this male coz he showed sex early: was stinky;to me a lovley shape , root restricted well ,has been the most vibrant ,he sexy :rofl: so what other things come into it , @Rebel I would appreciate your thoughts on this as well :coffee: and anyone who got any thing interesting to me about how to select a male :coffee:

All things you mentioned are goodness.
I like a nice money shot like all porn directors ,
Speed, colour, stature, how many loads per plant, are balls even or lopsided and visibly less on one side.
Even then you need a little luck. You may not get a result at all let alone the one you hope for, pollen may or may not take..
then it’s the golden question for me.. is it different.
Right now I have the two smells I initially wanted show up and meld plus another funky one but that was like 2 dustings ago..
But I think I’ve pooched the bud structure now... problems problems
There's a few reasons he may have been a dud... Did you feed him like the rest of your clan? Where is he located?

If he was fed like all the rest and in the tent and still didn't produce I wouldn't breed with him personally...

When I choose a male I look for pretty much the same in him as the mother. Vigor, Smell, structure, virility, etc. And if you are breeding for stability then you want to literally match him with the female. Structure/Pheno wise...

I have just started reading The Breeders Bible... So I also have much to learn. But from where I have my own crosses right now that's how I've gotten them to this point. But those guidelines I mentioned...


Hope this helps...
Good book
Best part of those books... right at the back references and shit, can find some nice reads usually

Stability comes with the ibl
Eliminate the f1 phenotype variety
FD for president !!!!
Happy Friday LS! :bighug::pass:Just taking a break from furniture moving... the room looks like a bomb has gone off inside my wardrobe and cupboards LOL.

Trap 2 Bubbly Bluebird at 21:07 pm GMT live on

The first three home qualify for the next round. Wish us luck for a safe run. GO Bluebird GO !!!!!!!!!!!!
Is he going to be OK out of trap 2? As long as he gets to the first bend in front!

Good evening LS folk. Hope everyone is having a great day and night, I unfortunately witnessed a man being chopped in half today by a Baltimore light rail train. Don't know if it was suicide or heroin induced stupidity? Anyway life is cheap here, unfortunately and to see people taking video and laughing digusted and horrified me to say the least.
Sorry you had to see that man, people are just unbelievable sometimes :bighug:

My neighbors are not-so-subtley trying to get me to start making daily bread again. I always make two, and they always get one. Haven't made it in a while, but I really need to start again. Something about fresh baked bread that is so therapeutic for me. Must be the smell. Also, it tastes amazing, which helps too....
I have a bread machine, which I've started using again in the last few weeks after a few years off. I love fresh crusty bread, still warm with plenty of butter...mmm...

If all goes according to plan, I'll be chopping down the Speed Bud this weekend. I had planned to celebrate the moment with a very nice meal.... The moment being the completion of a grow without a moment where I was certain all was lost, where I was willing to do some experimenting that payed off. One step closer to becoming a competent grower.... Maybe I can get a half-tenderloin and make a scaled down version of Wellington....
Can you not get tenderloin in individual portions? (I had to look up what you guys call fillet steak LOL)

I draw the line at sweatbreads someone more macho than me can eat them:biggrin:
I've eaten sweetbreads, my mum used to cook them when I was younger. I cooked some myself since I've been an adult but they weren't the same.

There is such a thing!! It's a very rare beast indeed being bred by one of finest at AFN. I don't think it's a secret as there's a journal! :D
Well reminded, I need to spend some time over on @pop22 's threads...

You lucky bugger!! :D

I've got some black dragons, Bobbys dragons, russian dragons some original JEMs and something else in my old mossy care package :D
Although I think i may need a lab from the future to germinate them as i've been told the rates on my batch are a touch "iffy" lol

Good luck with that beauty! I'll definately take a seat - it's one i tried and the germ failed - still got some left for when i'm feeling really brave!

I only have stone dragons at the minute, but that may change later this year...

Morning Reb! :D

Ive selected male pheno number 7 to go with female pheno number 46 :rofl:

They're beautiful together!
Yuk! No appeal for me whatsoever!

:rofl: .. you like that huh? :rofl:

I bet she could toss you like a nicoise salad ^_^
Ewwww... end over end like a caber?

My thumb is sore from slapping my bass at last nights jam session, Asides from that, Everything is great here.
Just read an article saying our state government is in the early stages of a bill to legalize recreational. It'll need something like 300k signatures, and it'll need to pass a vote, Which, unless they try something utterly retarded again, It will... Just a waiting game now.
No limit on the amount you can grow is in the early bill, So I see myself personally keeping indie breeders afloat haha
Fingers crossed for it man!
dudes im starting to feel im going to go.....see you later!:bow::bighug:keep the vibe goin bro's:vibe:

Feel better dude! :bighug:

Anyone have anything planned for the weekend? I have my "new" grow space to plan!:d5: Can't wait!
If you like Stone Dragon, you'll LOVE black Dragon! I've got a few White Jems left, some Duurty Dragons, My Blue Dragon of course, Dragon's Blood, and I too have some OLD Russian Dragons I need to get grown and reproduced. I'm hoping by the end of the year to find a way to make them available.

I've got some interesting new dragons also. I'm growing now a strain I've named Mossy's Medicine its Critical 2.0 x Dragon's Blood and its POTENT! Only an F1 right now and am in the process of making F2 seed

The Dragon Queen's babies are alive and doing well!
Happy Friday LS! :bighug::pass:Just taking a break from furniture moving... the room looks like a bomb has gone off inside my wardrobe and cupboards LOL.

Is he going to be OK out of trap 2? As long as he gets to the first bend in front!

Sorry you had to see that man, people are just unbelievable sometimes :bighug:

I have a bread machine, which I've started using again in the last few weeks after a few years off. I love fresh crusty bread, still warm with plenty of butter...mmm...

Can you not get tenderloin in individual portions? (I had to look up what you guys call fillet steak LOL)

I've eaten sweetbreads, my mum used to cook them when I was younger. I cooked some myself since I've been an adult but they weren't the same.

Well reminded, I need to spend some time over on @pop22 's threads...

I only have stone dragons at the minute, but that may change later this year...

Yuk! No appeal for me whatsoever!

Ewwww... end over end like a caber?

Fingers crossed for it man!

Feel better dude! :bighug:

Anyone have anything planned for the weekend? I have my "new" grow space to plan!:d5: Can't wait!
If what I’ve read from DJ shorts experience applies,I have activated the “Flo” structure... pretty but ugly... I should look threw that again and see where he took that. Could help me out now that I write this...

If you like Stone Dragon, you'll LOVE black Dragon! I've got a few White Jems left, some Duurty Dragons, My Blue Dragon of course, Dragon's Blood, and I too have some OLD Russian Dragons I need to get grown and reproduced. I'm hoping by the end of the year to find a way to make them available.

I've got some interesting new dragons also. I'm growing now a strain I've named Mossy's Medicine its Critical 2.0 x Dragon's Blood and its POTENT! Only an F1 right now and am in the process of making F2 seed

The Dragon Queen's babies are alive and doing well!
Cheeky monkey...
you said you were slacking off... looks like you’re hard at work
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Well I ain't a 100% sure about that :shrug: what if you supply enough 02 for them both to be happy :shrug: :coffee: I going to have to try it now :thumbsup:,, the variables I introducing are stacking up :pass:

I wound up with the green algae like you see in fishtanks all over the bottom of the roots and bottom 1/3 of the clear cheeseball tubs I used. Nothing a few peroxide feedings followed by heavy doses of hydroguard didn't clear up, though.
Kind of screwed me on the meds I was gonna make from the roots, But there's always the next grow's roots.
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