I just realized I know of a place not too far from me where they seem to go to die. I'm not buying lime supplements ever again. Just gotta go and secure a haul. Might as well do it now. The "promised" rains seems to miss me by about a hunnerd miles, so a nice walk with a few rockets and see if I can save some money?
I'll be back in a couple of hours!
Have a good one, fellers and fellerettes! *noticed there is not a single /wave emoji*
Morning all!
I don’t know what kinda lady magic happened but @Eclectic Elle , the misses calmed everything was nice.. didn’t even have to throw-down
Customs raped my package what a fuckin mess
@Green Goblin I found 50 lbs Costal brand ground oyster shell for $ 17.34 cad That should last for awhile . Good for the rose I'm told . Now I have to buy some rose bushes .
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