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But. . but. . It said free shipping in the item description? I'm not that stoned, something is amiss!
They lie until they get to the shipping part and than they casually say " Oh USA shipping only " and they wonder why Canadians tell them to stick their products up their ass . :rofl:
Anyone know of a foliar feeding tutorial or thread ?

My grow space is small and gets warm so I have been misting usually at least once a day . Not sure if that is frowned upon? But I figure since I am misting I might be able to put a foliage feeding in the mix?

I know nothing about it so any tips or reccomendations are welcomed .

Dunno that it's so much a feed as it is a supplement, but a product called "Optic Foliar" got some good results with some folks round here for a while. May still be a sponsored vendor, but not sure. Know they did a couple LS interviews with 'em a while back.
They must think Canadians just fell of the turnip truck . :rofl:

For 100+ shipping, I'd find some from the closest beach, gather as many washed up oyster shells I could find..rinse them,scrub them,soak them,dry them and mash them with a hammer...Then grind the small pieces to a powder
For 100+ shipping, I'd find some from the closest beach, gather as many washed up oyster shells I could find..rinse them,scrub them,soak them,dry them and mash them with a hammer...Then grind the small pieces to a powder
What about snails, tho? If you live far inland and can't just go to the beach? Gather as many of their pretty little houses as you can, just wash em up good? Aren't they pretty much the same, anyway?
For 100+ shipping, I'd find some from the closest beach, gather as many washed up oyster shells I could find..rinse them,scrub them,soak them,dry them and mash them with a hammer...Then grind the small pieces to a powder
I'm half way between 2 oceans GG I think airfare would even be more than the shipping from these morons . I wonder if it's even worth the email ?? :rofl:
What about snails, tho? If you live far inland and can't just go to the beach? Gather as many of their pretty little houses as you can, just wash em up good? Aren't they pretty much the same, anyway?

Well the shells are made of calcium, I've just never used them.
Do you have Helix pomatia where you live? Their shells looks -composition wise- to be a viable option?
I just realized I know of a place not too far from me where they seem to go to die. I'm not buying lime supplements ever again. Just gotta go and secure a haul. Might as well do it now. The "promised" rains seems to miss me by about a hunnerd miles, so a nice walk with a few rockets and see if I can save some money?

I'll be back in a couple of hours!

Have a good one, fellers and fellerettes! *noticed there is not a single /wave emoji*
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