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Ahh thanks man, I’m lost for words !!!

I appreciate it, I don’t know where too start and my experiences are too horrible too even talk about don’t want you guys too loose hope in humanity....

But ypu have already made me happy, just put it like that :cheers::d5::thumbsup::thanks:
@Auto melt ....hang in there , will get better....I think a lot of folks on this forum have dealt with many levels of personal tragedy and it is hard to cope.........I've been addicted to opioids, lost a 26yr old son to them, and have lost 40% of my cardiac function for some unknown reason over the past 4 yrs and am just now able to deal with it all.........I have found that a good bit of the things I rail against are my own expectations projected......try to keep faith and project a good attitude........remember........"if you plant ice, you will harvest wind." Think about it.........if I can help in any way, PM me!
Mike, I think you need to chop a GG4 bud obviously need a shot of "trippy" yourself, lol!
Way ahead of ya. Chopped some tertiary branches that were just blocking light to larger budsites
Way ahead of ya. Chopped some tertiary branches that were just blocking light to larger budsites
Good man! Never hurts to preview things as they progress.........besides, it doesn't look like you will be hurting for yield!!
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