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That's the way to do it, too bad more people in the past didn't do this.

For as much shit as my generation gets, no one seems to be talking about how the previous generations allowed for the big corporation takeover we have to live with today.

No disrespect to any one here just speaking to the population as a whole.

The answer to your question, @Samwell is jobs.........Local elected officials depend on votes to stay elected, and know if they turn down a local WM, Lowes or whatever with the potential for hundreds of jobs, their time in office will be short. I do not like these stores and would prefer local small business over them any day..........but I guarantee you your generation of elected officials will make the same decisions. It's a shame but true.
Wifey got me this awesome spinning bong for my b-day yesterday:Toke:

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Damn, a spinning bong! what will they think of next? Question.........If you are really high and the bong is spinning, does the room spin with it?
I found out what was causing my pain, Right after I harvested 7 or so oz of bud, So every thing is good here...and will be until the end of July... Although the seemingly endless thunder storms have put a damper on my bass fishing this year...gonna have to go for wipers and cats now because the water's too muddy to catch anything else...
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