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Wow.......who would have thought the russians would get through to the final 8? They played a hard and smart game Spain had their usual problem.....they would rather pass and possess than attack......and it cost them!
Loving the honey Tincture! That's a toasted cheese open sandwich on brown rolls, with chilli pepper, tomatoe, cucumber, spinach, chilli cabbage saurkraut and basalmic reduction dressing.

Sent from my comfy chair.
[emoji16][emoji41] [emoji43][emoji848]
I'm pretty sure I won't need pain meds for a little while, anyway.
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It's good to know that a shoe insert will help. I'm only 35, So I'm looking at every way possible to prevent it from getting worse as I age.
I noticed running around my house with only one sandal on helped with the pressure and pain in my spine, So I'm almost giddy about finding out the size of insert I'll need, And I'm excited about the physical therapy, honestly. If it means my pain will go away, I am all for it.
I'm also getting my hopes up about seeing if I can start working out again. My bi/triceps are 3" smaller than what they were when my back started giving me issues, And I miss the size... I'm still big, but I'm not rocking 22" arms, or a 68" chest anymore. Not used to being "small" like this, ya know?
one other thing I'm going to experiment with, If I get the go ahead from my doctor, I cannabis oil's effects on muscle growth. I know how fast I put on size without supplements of any kind, So ONLY using oils while I work out should make for interesting results.

Yup, looks like you have July and August covered.
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