Right back to the knees Mossy If he did the job the first time I'ma happy camper It's already been suggested " Dragon Stomper " if we don't get thrown in jail for copy write infringement
I did give him an opportunity to dally for a couple of days and there was lots of pollen floating about even after he was sent with a smile on his face to the compost bin .
Afternoon @Eclectic Elle...we are like ships that pass in the night ATM.
How is Life treating you....?.......the heat has kicked in over here...after a long wait...now it is too hot to do all the jobs we should have done when it was cooler.....
Afternoon @MossyWe certainly are like that... toot toot! Everything is going well for me right now. I have about a week left on the temporary job and then let's see what happens! I love the warm weather, but working in a school hall with 240+ students is not much fun when it's like this - no air con! What jobs did you need to get done, just bits and pieces or larger projects? You'll be waiting until October now
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