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Good Morning 9bear, Stoners.
I hope things have settled down on the home front.
Goodmorning Feenix!, It settled down, I told my boss no and he ended up texting me with " ....... " What a piece Fast Bud Auto, and Good Shit Auto Keeping me calm, reminding myself i get paid very well for what I do..

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Good morning, my AFN Friends!

I'm sitting here wringing my hands in anticipation of seeing how the outdoor Gurls are doing after a hard downpour lastnight. Hoping all is well. :shrug::shrug:
Good Morning AFN Stoners
This is a dead area to the basement apt and to the back door deck area . Nothing grows there until now !!! :crying: I have some material left over from the driveway widening that I have been placing in here as you can see . What a beautiful outdoor grow area !! It faces south east and the sun is gone by noon . There's water there , plus there's a motion security light and if anybody tries to sneak by me there's a window that i can spot them and I can also be out that back door faster than an 80 year old male :rofl: Looks like a win win situation to me .:rofl:

Good Morning 9bear, Stoners.
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