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Ouch.....growing outdoor certainly has its down sides huh. Good thing you have reverse supports to help your ladies!! What's next for the chop?

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Blueberry is next on the chop block, but first the critical + 2.0 will go asap. Blueberry will be on the block in just over a week
Hey guys!! Hopefully everyone is doing well!! Would love to stay and shoot the breeze, but i am off to do some more harvesting. Have a grand night all!!

I can’t wait to see this! One of your harvests hey? My scales don’t go that high!lol have fun bud[emoji106][emoji418]️


Yeah I ran Into someone yesterday and we were saying that it is underrated, it’s some of the best weed I’ve ever grown, definitely the stickiest, but I’m no expert bro, yeah for green crack, what u have would b knock out in my book [emoji817], pretty much anyway eh


Shit I just re-read this, 1 lb!!!!!!!???????
I officially declare war on caterpillars!

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