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I see you're not beeing off:crying:
LMAO that's funny :crying:
~Even though he is calling him a shit kicker - he's still Alright!
In life I think if given the choice, I rather be a shit kicker than be an arse kisser, I guess that's just the rebel in me and the refusal to be walked over or put down!
After all who doesn't like some shit kicking music..... right!


Kick Dat Shit & Slack
I know how you feel, man! Between osteoarthritis and my cardiac problems, I haven't been able to do jack for several years. I would give a lot to be able to go to concerts, go fishing, walk my dog for a distance longer than 100-200 yds! It gets really boring doing nothing much. I'm hoping that they get this heart problem figured out.....I can deal with the arthritis pain......Hang in there.....sounds like you've got a reasonable chance of regaining at least some of your physical activity. Pulling for you!!
Thanks man I hope they get your heart issue figured out as well. That’s what I’m grateful for
Is my health other then the injury. I was losing the use of my legs some days I could barely move them others I could walk around with my cane a little at a time. Hopefully the neck and mid back damage can get by without repair. My hopes r fixing the really bad damage will hopefully help the other areas get better. I wanted to avoid surgery but nerves getting crushed by bone because there’s nothing left of your disc doesn’t get better unless it gets fixed or u do nothing all the time but that’s not getting better. Good luck man and thanks again.
Shame you fell ill. Hope it was otherwise pleasant! Been a good number of years since I just stepped off the grid for a spell. Could probably do with some, actually.
It has been almost 5yrs since we've gone and nice to just have some fresh air. The monsoon storms weren't nice thou. But we survived and held out instead of coming home the next day.

Hey bushy Get better bud!!
Thanks I'm trying.

Morning Bush! Hope ya start feeling better man, ive been sick so many times this year its been rough.. :Toke::bighug::vibes::
Thanks I'm trying but haven't been sick like this in over 6 years so this is putting me down hard

These guys and girls are Blackfoot Indians...........and they can play the blues!!
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