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Morning stoners Live from Dabberville the gals are really growing great

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Nice and happy too
So bushy
Good shyt sir

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Actually, it only takes one little leaf or bud to regen a plant! One on my ducksfoot, currently outtdoor for her final life... was at least a 10th generation clone, taken from a revegged plant and cloned again, then she was was revegged last winter and kept in a 1 gallon pot till I planted her outdoors. No telling how many reveg she'd been through over the years!

But nothing I know of revegges like ducksfoot. They have some VERY strange behaviors. a Revegged duck, and some clones go like this. The sit for a month or two looking dormant but alive. THEN.......... they suddenly die. DON'T throw them out! Glad I didn't. I had the first one to do this in a small cabinet. It looked as dead as it could get, but for some reason, I didn't toss it out. I opened the cab one day about a week later and there was a new shoot, coming out of the rootball! I've since then had this occur repeatedly so it wasn't a fluke!

The point being, its truly amazing what cannabis is capable of. Ohh and these old clones and revegged girls will still grow as big as the original mother!

Here's a pic, multi generation, multiple revegged poor lady lol!

Ducksfoot plant2 pic1 -8-2-2018.jpg

Poor fella he sounds right confused but like many legends, there maybe a grain of true in his ramblings.
What he is saying doesn't sound so crazy if you were talking about "regenerating photo's" where some leaves are removed but a majority of the lower fan leaves are left on.
The plant still needs a little veg time but it doesn't take as long as it would to veg from seed, where the plant need around three weeks to reach sexual maturity as the plant won't flower until then.

The ridiculous thing is if you grow an 8 week Auto (seed to crop) & you can get 6 crops a year as opposed to a 8 week flowering photo which would still need to vegged for three first weeks until it would be capable of being induced to flower.
Although a regenerated photo plant can be cropped in 8 weeks,some extra veg time, will mean a larger yield... but and this is the but...for each successive regeneration the yield will be lower than the original crop and it will keep decreasing the more you regenerate it.
It's just easier to have a separate cloning box and take the cutting from a mature plant, once the cuttings have rooted they can be flowered instantly because they came from a sexually mature plant.
Flowering rooted cuttings is a great way to grow sativas in a SOG style grow.

The thing that always gets me is when you see the police on the telly doing a raid and they then call grow lights "heat lights" Oh my that has me falling around in gales of laughter, if they only realized how much trouble people have controlling the heat in a HID grow room in the summer.
They are called grow lights because we use them to produce "Light" in order to grow the plants!!" :rofl:
It's true that using LED lights is more efficient and they produce a great amount of light than heat, when compared to an HID light, but it is easier to heat a grow room than cool a room, a simple tube heater with a thermostat will do the job nicely.
These days it seems a great number of hobby growers use LED lights but it is the large growers they bust as they are no longer interested in some guy growing some percy in his flat.

Every time you see pictures of a large grow bust in the the paper/internet they always have a gazillion HID lights and makes it easy for the police to find them using FLIR (Forward Looking Infra Red).
Seeing as a heat sig is used to spot the grow plod put 2 & 2 together and comes up with 5, not actually understanding what is going on in the life of a cannabis plant!
If the police were taught to use their brains, they would be dangerous!:crying:

There is a new phone on the market called the "CAT S61" which has FLIR which has been enhanced over the last model the "CAT S60"
This is incorporated in the phone, unlike the "FLIR 1" which needs to be attached to smartphone and is sold separately.
What a totally handy thing to have with you, you can then view your cab and assess if any insulation issues need attending to, in order to make your grow invisible from outside FLIR scanning.
I love stealth and I know my cab doesn't show up heat wise and it is also silent too! (a lot of time and effort & money but it is totally worth it)!:headbang:
Actually, it only takes one little leaf or bud to regen a plant! One on my ducksfoot, currently outtdoor for her final life... was at least a 10th generation clone, taken from a revegged plant and cloned again, then she was was revegged last winter and kept in a 1 gallon pot till I planted her outdoors. No telling how many reveg she'd been through over the years!

But nothing I know of revegges like ducksfoot. They have some VERY strange behaviors. a Revegged duck, and some clones go like this. The sit for a month or two looking dormant but alive. THEN.......... they suddenly die. DON'T throw them out! Glad I didn't. I had the first one to do this in a small cabinet. It looked as dead as it could get, but for some reason, I didn't toss it out. I opened the cab one day about a week later and there was a new shoot, coming out of the rootball! I've since then had this occur repeatedly so it wasn't a fluke!

The point being, its truly amazing what cannabis is capable of. Ohh and these old clones and revegged girls will still grow as big as the original mother!

Here's a pic, multi generation, multiple revegged poor lady lol!

View attachment 940229

I'm about to start a few photos myself and cleaning up the cloner! Interesting thing about clones; genetic drift happens very quickly even with clones; a clone taken from the same mother is not the same plant as a clone taken from the same mother one year prior. Likewise, two clones will not test out the same in a lab test, so while the growth/structure may be uniform in the growing, the actual results are NOT consistent enough to say that each plant is an exact genetic copy of the one prior.
What's going on with this,' 'So called battle, I've heard so much about???


@F.N. @Dabber

Things are in the works for a little friendly grow off with some smack talking ribbing etc all for the love of :growing:I think @Yeatster may join if he aint scurred :LOLStoned:
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