Stay Safe
...I Think we have a thunder storm heading in and it usually knocks my net out if it is heavy.....
Yeah...or Lady-Like
....these guys have been having too much Fun....

...time to get the Ladies Competing......
@Mossy interest is peeked

Let me get this, 1st grow under my belt, than
Hmmm....that reminds me....
@SOOTDAWG ...was it You that left the copy of 50 Shades of Grey in the staff rest room.....?............
That is super cropping
@Yeatster ....small hand bondage required.... keep the height in check...
View attachment 940193
@SOOTDAWG has gone full [HASHTAG]#ChristianGrey[/HASHTAG] on us.....
Looking forward to see what that does to the bud placement
We've got a paella planned in a couple of hours...

....there will be plenty spare if you want to call in....
@TheMongol that rain dance for us too...we Need it.......
Yup..ours too........
