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Its almost like the age old question "How long is a piece of string!!!" :D
Sorry man, never used PH down so i cant help you there. If it was me i would start with 1ml and check, add another 1ml check
That was where I was leaning.........Skelly, I haven't bothered you about my camera probs 'cause I knew you were busy with your security station and that you had company. I'm beginning to despair on that situation....I thinnk there is something wrong with that settings wheel....I worked with it for over 3 hours yesterday and could not get the auto/manual part to come up no matter how hard, soft, fast or slow I moved the wheel. I don't want to bother you with it now but if you have a good time sometime this week please let me know. I really appreciate all your help with stuff!
@hesgone13 how are your babies doing?

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they seemed to have stalled their growth....I believe it was a lighting issue......I had it at 24" which seemed OK.....didn't feel that warm on my hand and that was as high as I could get in my I thought about it and came up with a classic stoner solution this afternoon......I sawed 6" off the legs of my table that the plants were on and whoopee........30" of clearance now.......they seem to be perking up.........
Sorry, just thinking out loud here. Don't really have anyone else I can toss this at. The cat seems to be sympathetic, but so far has not offered any advice.

Cats are like that.....they play everything close to the vest!
That was where I was leaning.........Skelly, I haven't bothered you about my camera probs 'cause I knew you were busy with your security station and that you had company. I'm beginning to despair on that situation....I thinnk there is something wrong with that settings wheel....I worked with it for over 3 hours yesterday and could not get the auto/manual part to come up no matter how hard, soft, fast or slow I moved the wheel. I don't want to bother you with it now but if you have a good time sometime this week please let me know. I really appreciate all your help with stuff!

I was wondering about the to explain this....hmmm....better than an explanation i will use my other camera and film a video of the thumb motion to get the wheel spinning...I use the inside of my thumb to get it spinning. I'll upload the vid to the vimeo account and then delete it once you have viewed. Do you have a half hour right now? I just filmed a vid
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