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Run a hose from the neighbours outdoor tap when they are sleeping? LOL

The real irony here is that it is because my neighbor moved out, and very poorly handled the account with the power company, that I now have no water.

For some reason, the well pump was wired to his power. When he moved out, he **could** have transferred it to the owner, but instead he just shut it off.

So the owner now has to set up a whole new account with them. Making matters worse is that the landlord did not realize that you need to open the main breaker before the power company will plug in a live meter.

We've resolved that now and hopefully i'll be showering in the morning.

:slap:yeah man!

Thanks, man. It's nice to know I am not alone in thinking that way.
BT x GWK room top and side view
whata bush!
Hey have a great night guys...i am going to call it early...way a long day today building the security shelter, and going to be a long day tomorrow building! Framing nearly done...tomorrow i hope to have the roof on and maybe some walls.
Later man!

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