Ok let me point out one study in Russia, where they use cannabis plants as way too extract radiation from the ground, so this clearly proves it attracts all the nasties from the ground.
A lot of fertilisers contain heavy metals which if smoked could cause a lot of damage too the human body, one off the many harmfull heavy metals in fertilisers is arsenic. and it’s really important too use pure phrousphous as this heavy metal can cause cancer, that’s why some company’s use the purest available.
People flush in the ripening phase which some flushing agents assist the flushing process while not totally starving the plant. A company called rate dankness seeds ctually recommended flushing for over 15 days,
Ever smoked cannabis that ashes black, and has hard hash, that’s unflushed bud.
I only recommended this flushing method as you mentioned you wanted something for ypur daughter too be safe, starting with unflushed cannabis ain’t a good idea,
I also wanted ypu too know, that also growing the cannabis mold and pesticide free would be recommednded also.
If growing out in the open totally organic, there no need too flush.
It’s 3 the morning, just too let ypu guys knows, I need sleep.
For what it's worth, there is some debate on the need for flusing. Science seems to support flushing being not necessary, while lots and LOTS of cannabis growers and smokers will tell you they can taste the difference.
Good read on it over in @pop22 's Mythbustin' section of the forums: https://www.autoflower.org/threads/flushing-the-myth-that-wont-die.56274/