Good Morning Stoners
The landlady is playing contractor today looking for somebody to repair the damaged basement created by the person who lives down there . He continues to leave the shower enclosure doors open when he takes a shower because it gets cloudy in there because he lakes hot showers and he cant see ?? What is there to see when your taking a shower ?? He has denied this fact and maintaine's the the original contractor did a poor job and that is why it leaks ( horse shit ) The bastard that lives in the basement has has suggested I don't know what I'm talking about and if he talks to me like that again I will be happy to punch his lights out if he talks to me like that again. He avoids me and the landlady advices me to stay away from him as she doesn't want any trouble . The landlady says he pays his rent on time and is paying $ 350. a month below current rates in the area !!! This guy was bad news from the beginning and should have been gone long time ago but she has a very big mortgage and she puts up with it . He has no respect for her property and I stay out of it she's a big girl and I try to keep out of it . Maybe I should smoke more weed and become more oblivious to what's going on around me .