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Morning stoners!!:pass:
Hi there! :bighug:How are you feeling today?

Hi @The Elvis !:bighug:

OK how mad am I trying to change my filter partway through my grow in 30C heat? :crying:Anyone got a few cold ones? :cheers:

EE, feeling about as hot as you this's 31C here with a heat index of 35C and it's just 11:10AM!
EE, feeling about as hot as you this's 31C here with a heat index of 35C and it's just 11:10AM!

today Down here will be 36 C with a Real feel of about 41 C humidity around 90% well it will hit a 100% in the evening after all that heat builds up then Boom!! here comes the thunder and rain.. All summer long!! rains for about an hour every single day.. Sooo HOT!!:hothot: I take about 3 showers a day..

Mornin', man. How goes things?

Not too bad......been an interesting AM.......been stressing over the cardiac MRI I'm having tomorrow.........and then my dog seems to have some kind of GI issue and dumped about 5lbs of semi-liquid crap in the middle of my living room floor! I don't know who feels for having had to clean it up or her for having done it........she is mortified.....curled up hiding in the corner........couldn't really yell at wasn't her fault......would love to know what she got into, tho'.
howdy!!! :cheers: here I got you a cold beer so you can cool off!! :drunks:
That is *so* kind of you! :kiss:

EE, feeling about as hot as you this's 31C here with a heat index of 35C and it's just 11:10AM!
Damn! It's cooler here than it was yesterday, but still no end in sight. We had a cold winter which should have been a heads-up really, but I don't think anyone expected it to last this long LOL. Our weather is usually so varied!

today Down here will be 36 C with a Real feel of about 41 C humidity around 90% well it will hit a 100% in the evening after all that heat builds up then Boom!! here comes the thunder and rain.. All summer long!! rains for about an hour every single day.. Sooo HOT!!:hothot: I take about 3 showers a day..
We could do with some of that humidity - I'd love to take 30% off you!

Would love to know what she got into, tho'.
Definitely something she shouldn't have, from the sounds of it! Can she get at any rubbish, or outdoors unsupervised?
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