Good morning everyone!

Another bright and sunny day in the south east of the UK... yes I know it rhymes.
Thanks, Mike.....I can see both sides of the question.....gonna have to cogitate on this one.............I can see it is going to be on the job training no matter what!
You could just start one, and then four or five weeks later start another. As long as your lights and space will handle it, it may work for you. Just to chuck another option in for you to think on LOL.
Not to change the subject......much, lol......anybody else here into watching some of the really great shows on cable channels these days.......e.g. "Game of Thrones", "Outlander", etc?
Game of Thrones yes, Westworld yes, Outlander neither hubby nor I got into. He also watches Dark Matter and did watch Orphan Black but they're not quite my thing.
Well folks going in for a pretty decent surgery tomorrow could use all the prayers and positive vibes I can get. Feeling good and positive about it already but I believe in the power of positive vibes and prayer in numbers. Thanks and keep on growin on.
I wish you all the best for a trouble-free surgery and a speedy recovery Mizzo!
hmm id say a lot more than 2 groups,some here that dont even smoke themselves.the micro growers rec or med are limited so cant smoke all they want.
I'm one of the people that grows but doesn't smoke it. I don't smoke cigarettes either, never have. Well, not *never* but it wasn't for more than a few weeks and it didn't do it for me. It was just to fit in. I love watching the plants changing over the weeks, and then I love hearing the reactions and laughter from the family when they've been smoking my weed. I figure it's better this way, they can ask questions as the grow progresses, see the plants, know that nothing dodgy has been added, and they're not exposed to other illegal drugs as a result (because I don't approve of anything else and wouldn't touch that stuff with a barge pole).
If you didn't understand that, its cool. Neither did I. I'm off to bed before I further betray my insanity.
No, I understood perfectly. It's like what
@FullDuplex has been doing with the ALFs. If you work with one strain, you get to learn all its different phenotypes and variations, what it likes best, how it likes to grow. It makes perfect sense to me. I'd like to do this myself some day but I'm very space-limited for now, so it's still just a dream I'm working towards.
Have a great day everyone, I'll be around!