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That is *so* kind of you! :kiss:

Damn! It's cooler here than it was yesterday, but still no end in sight. We had a cold winter which should have been a heads-up really, but I don't think anyone expected it to last this long LOL. Our weather is usually so varied!

We could do with some of that humidity - I'd love to take 30% off you!

Definitely something she shouldn't have, from the sounds of it! Can she get at any rubbish, or outdoors unsupervised?

I think she must have got into the trash inside altho' I can't find any sign of it..........but then again she's pretty damn smart........knowing her, she ate all the evidence!
evening peeps :pass:
reading the above on pipes and my neck of the woods no matter how big a bowl was it was only ever packed for one hit...sure the bong was passed round the room,but the bowl would have went back and forth to whoever was packing them for that round.
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