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im only sore on two things tea and rockets.why am i going through these things at 1 a month ?

a rocket for the way there is my advice :pass:
i cant remember the name of them carrot type things ya stick beside plant to water :shrug:
The system you are thinking of is called "Tropf Blumat watering system"

ahh cheers arty :pass:im a numpty :wall: bluemat was in me head but i was thinking they were them long truncheon ph/ec sticks.
Ah i see your thinking!
Blumat and Blulab an easy mistake through the fog of the afternoon rocket!
I have always wanted to get the Blumat kit but I think you need to regularly check the valves, as they can on occasion stick in the open position due to fertilizer slat build up etc.
When that happens your gravity feed tank is then drained by the open valve and possible flooding of you grow room flood can occur.
There are ways around this but regularly checking you valves can be done when you check your girls, seeing as you no longer need to had water a bit of that time you save there can then be directed at maintenance of the watering system.

As for Blulab, their test gear is great and is well respected. I have a truncheon meter and it shows measurement in EC, CF and both 500 & 700 PPM scales.
The 500 Scale is Hanna meters and TDS meters, the 700 scale is Truncheon meters.
It is full robust, fully water tight and makes for a great stirring tool for your nutes and when PHing your solution, one of the best buys for my grow room ever!
bluelab bluemat bluelab bluemat ok i remembered it now
Don't forget to drop the "E" when doing a websearch "Blumat"
That is in reference to the spelling and not raving lol :p

Wordy has your back :rofl:
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