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Hey at least you have some nice sized northern pike to catch!!

Yeah there is lots going on here for sure!

It used to be dirt ass cheap in my specific area....we bought our house for $85,000 Cad (40,000 pounds), but recent rises in prices have forced the market pretty high. If you dig the northern style life, land and decent houses are still quite cheap. Some areas in the north, you can by a whole friggin fishing lodge for $200K

I can dig northern life style..... that’s pretty cheap compared too uk, might even look into a small business Too keep the boat a float lol,

Nice speaking too ypu skelly, off to bed, 4.30 in the morning I’m getting lazy lol

Speak too you soon

A black bear broke into an elderly woman’s house and attacked her about 140 miles from where I live. We don’t have them in my neck of the woods though. Just a whole lot of eastern coyotes, or coywolves depending on who you ask.

I actually fear 'yotes and wolves more than i do bears. Those little buggers can be a pain in the ass! They steal folks dogs fairly often around here
I live inland so I only have to worry about them when im at the coast fishing. The most dangerous thing at my place is the wife!
@the green bandit - Come on man!! Nile Crocs? Friggin great whites and tiger sharks? ;)

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