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33 C .:biggrin: I like the warm days but this is too much for this old guy . I hope everybody has at least access to an air conditioned environment The undertakers say they get most seniors in extreme weather . I'm staying cool .:biggrin:
Hope all goes well.What is your health issue....if you don’t mind me asking
How about old age . !! The truth ?? My health issues have all been solved with a knife and the rest of this is minor . Cannabis can't help me and I hope that anybody that uses it is benefiting large time . At 78 I'm grateful that both my feet hit the ground on the run I sometimes feel guilty that many of you suffer so greatly and that cannabis gives you the relief you deserve whatever it may be . :thumbsup:
Hey @archie gemmill it looks like I've have a little trimming to do in the near future a chore I don't regret at all . I don't know if I can do better ??? I may make apprentice yet ?? :crying:
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