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Multitasking, smoking, drinking, putting off taking rubbish/recyclprogressing with setting up grow tent and sorting associated grow shite...

And navagating Mrs f6 harrassments... She's pretty placid at the moment though as she is enjoying the short walk to the ottoman weed dispensary, she recons the worst part is choosing!

Awesome news brother, sleep is so important for a well rested body and mind! Sleeping through to 5 am is quite the result. Insomnia plagues many people and having a strain that give people the sweet sweet relief of a good night's rest is worth it's weight in gold.
I find I also sleep better if I get in at least 30 mins of exercise a day, often I put in an hour and that helps me with my stiff joints too.
We would all be better if we avoid opiates, it is something I have always been adverse to, I always reach for the weed first!
Good luck with your research and self medicating, I hope it bring you the relief you need and helps you stay away from medicines that are addictive and harmful to your body.
I hope you start a thread/journal on your trials as I know it will be a great help to others suffering with poor sleep.
Helping others is AFN vibes all over, I love this forum, it brings out the best in people and the way we all come together to help each other and new members can't be found anywhere else!
Have you met "Hairy"?
:vibe: Hairy is the AFN vibe guardian, he wiggles with the AFN vibe, which is be helpful and kind to all members and lend a hand when & where ever possible. If you ever want a hand with anything, just look out for Hairy "wiggling" in members badges under their avatar, these members will lend a hand whenever possible.
No one wiggles quite as well as Mossy though she is a goddess amongst women and our resident Dragon, she is a fantastic grower with quite a number of her own strains under her belt, This forum would be nothing without her and the countless hours she puts in!:vibe::dragon1:
Oop seems i had a little ramble, it does happen from time to time. Time for a cup of coffee and wake up a bit more:coffee2:
Have yourself a great day brother
all the best
Arty :pass:

The sleep issue isn't a problem for me, I accepted the fact that what "normal" people call a good night's sleep is something I'll never have for I've suffered insomnia for decades. The biggest problem is when I do get more than 3 hours in one hit it feels like a truck has gone over me because it's like my body tells me to waken so I can move safely without there being a "bad" movement on one of the various banjacked discs I have, and pain levels rise accordingly.

But that was a good 5 hours continuous sleep, and although stiff as hell the pain levels were very low so I'm happy there.

Was thinking about doing a thread on this sort of thing, but ain't sure "where" because we're talking MMJ, insomnia, pain, and what can be classed as "alternative" treatments amongst other things because I'm looking at multiple issues and it doesn't seem to fit into one category. Will have some more thinking for a while, then kick one off after checking if it's ok to mention the actual products in use at this moment are not on the list of vendors here.

As I say, I like experimenting, hence my DIY lighting thread which was also a way to show people you can grow without spending a fortune on lights, etc, in the hope of encouraging others to take the plunge.

Will figure it out, and get one started, and obviously others can chip in with their solutions as the more info we can uncover and the more potential solutions the better.
Multitasking, smoking, drinking, putting off taking rubbish/recyclprogressing with setting up grow tent and sorting associated grow shite...

And navagating Mrs f6 harrassments... She's pretty placid at the moment though as she is enjoying the short walk to the ottoman weed dispensary, she recons the worst part is choosing!

Not a bad problem to have, i love having a nice variety of herb to choose from. I think i have 8 different strains in jars now. It sure is nice not to have shit bag weed as my only choice!

Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk
A 5 hour sleep sounds like it helped and if that were possible day on day (night on night is probably more like it lol) then you would be well on the way to a more rested life.
Keep up the good work, in time you may find a strain or a new method of medicating that provides you with even more hours of sleep.
This information would be invaluable to so many people and could change people's lives for the better.
I'll ask where it would be best to put a thread that deals with the various aspects of your research.

To be honest I am of the the opinion "build it and they will come" which is to say once people know where it is they can drop by anytime. I would say the Med section would be a good place.

Checking to see if you can mention this and that is a very good point, admin members are probably the best for this as they have the final say on most things.
The site is fairly relaxed about most things as long as you aren't blatantly spamming or advertising but there are always some exceptions (with good reasons behind them). See what mossy thinks she has helped me out with things many times over the years and she is font of knowledge when it comes to all things about the forum.

It would be wonderful to see you make a thread that helps others and where other members can join in the discussion. hopefully in time you and the other members will break new ground and bring so much needed relief to those who have sleep problems.

I love experimenting too but I find myself time constrained these days as my workload is a lot heavier than it was in the past.
I have built few LED grow lights, it is a great hobby and so satisfying to hang one up and grow under your own work! I tip my hat to you brother:toke: keep up the good work.

These days I find I have far too much grow gear and a ton of lights (all LED), it's funny how fast it piles up but who knows one day I may get a bigger place and then I'll have all the gear I need!:headbang:
Once again helping other members is so "AFN", I hope your good deeds and knowledge help many people realise they can build LED lights and grow their crop without spending a fortune!

Do you know how to put links into your signature? Something like this Medical-Cannabis Discussion <<--Click the link.
If you don't I lend a hand and show you how, it is dead simple.
This way you can put links in you signature and people can click them and be taken to your thread, it really helps people find you threads.

Have a great day buddy and keep wiggling with the vibe:vibe:
Awesome news brother, sleep is so important for a well rested body and mind! Sleeping through to 5 am is quite the result. Insomnia plagues many people and having a strain that give people the sweet sweet relief of a good night's rest is worth it's weight in gold.
I find I also sleep better if I get in at least 30 mins of exercise a day, often I put in an hour and that helps me with my stiff joints too.
We would all be better if we avoid opiates, it is something I have always been adverse to, I always reach for the weed first!
Good luck with your research and self medicating, I hope it bring you the relief you need and helps you stay away from medicines that are addictive and harmful to your body.
I hope you start a thread/journal on your trials as I know it will be a great help to others suffering with poor sleep.

Thread fired up as suggested
A 5 hour sleep sounds like it helped and if that were possible day on day (night on night is probably more like it lol) then you would be well on the way to a more rested life.
Keep up the good work, in time you may find a strain or a new method of medicating that provides you with even more hours of sleep.
This information would be invaluable to so many people and could change people's lives for the better.
I'll ask where it would be best to put a thread that deals with the various aspects of your research.

To be honest I am of the the opinion "build it and they will come" which is to say once people know where it is they can drop by anytime. I would say the Med section would be a good place.

Checking to see if you can mention this and that is a very good point, admin members are probably the best for this as they have the final say on most things.
The site is fairly relaxed about most things as long as you aren't blatantly spamming or advertising but there are always some exceptions (with good reasons behind them). See what mossy thinks she has helped me out with things many times over the years and she is font of knowledge when it comes to all things about the forum.

It would be wonderful to see you make a thread that helps others and where other members can join in the discussion. hopefully in time you and the other members will break new ground and bring so much needed relief to those who have sleep problems.

I love experimenting too but I find myself time constrained these days as my workload is a lot heavier than it was in the past.
I have built few LED grow lights, it is a great hobby and so satisfying to hang one up and grow under your own work! I tip my hat to you brother:toke: keep up the good work.

These days I find I have far too much grow gear and a ton of lights (all LED), it's funny how fast it piles up but who knows one day I may get a bigger place and then I'll have all the gear I need!:headbang:
Once again helping other members is so "AFN", I hope your good deeds and knowledge help many people realise they can build LED lights and grow their crop without spending a fortune!

Do you know how to put links into your signature? Something like this Medical-Cannabis Discussion <<--Click the link.
If you don't I lend a hand and show you how, it is dead simple.
This way you can put links in you signature and people can click them and be taken to your thread, it really helps people find you threads.

Have a great day buddy and keep wiggling with the vibe:vibe:

That's the thing, I don't have a "workload" any more so NEED to be playing around with things just to keep me sane-ish.

And I'm playing it safe with "brands", especially as what I can get over here in Euroland is not the same as can be found in Australia, USA, Canada and so forth. Why tell people "buy this" when they can't?
@Banjacked Hey bud have you tried tincture? The stuff has changed my life! I broke my neck at c5/6 and had it fused. It gives me all kinds of problems nerve pain, insomnia, chronic pain, partial paralysis to name a few. I have gone from getting a couple of hours broken sleep periodically to getting 5 or 6 hours every night! I have never felt so good since discovering tincture.

Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk
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