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Happy Friday everyone! :bighug:

Both times we have lost a cat in the past we've lasted a week before starting to look. We couldn't help looking round for them, expecting them to be there each time. But we were completely catless at that point, as we've only had them in ones so far. Both "new" cats have been secondhand to us but very much loved! :bighug:You'll know when the right time is to get another.

Congrats on the new job @TheMongol !

Hope everyone has a good weekend :pass:
Thank you very much Elle!:pass::bighug:

Happy Saturday

Tobacco hash!


What city would that be @Eclectic Elle ? Talk about titillation!
BRISTOL...obvs! :crying:

Exactly, Elle, we'll know when the time is right and now would be too soon and a knee jerk reaction which would never end well. So while there's no harm in looking to see which shelter, for it will be a rescue cat, is a good option the last thing we want is to overstress the old bugger we have now as she can turn violent at the drop of a hat. But give it a couple of months and then there's the time to adjust to him being gone, and then time to adjust before we do things like have days out and so forth as sudden change is not something she likes, and one cat going and another appearing straight away would be a stressor which she would not be amused with.
Aww bless her. What wonderfully considerate cat parents you are! :bighug:

Not complaining too much, though, as it has helped knock down the humidity in the tent. Something I was starting to get worried about.
Sadly here it goes the other way - the cooler, the more damp it gets. It's getting towards a choice of a tube heater or the dehumidifier, which is a beast and eats a kW of juice every three hours...
Mornin all

To those suffering cold and stormy weather, I'll try not to be a smug bastard by saying it's dry, sunny and 19°C, 66°F, at 0938 CEST here.

Feeling a bit better today, still beating myself up over whether I missed any signs but, well, what will be will be and nothing can change it.

Meanwhile, had a little dig around and made sure Auto Maria (to be renamed Spiko since one life ended and another one started around the same time, I think he would enjoy the thought of being reincarnated into something that will give me as much pleasure as he did, if he could have been able to think) was developing, saw the taproot was out so she's been reset root down and is ready for lift off. I'm funny that way, everyone talks about soaking the seed then "wet paper towel in a plastic bag" but I have total success by just soaking the seed in a glass/bowl of water until it cracks and then planting before the taproot is exposed so, as we say, if it ain't broke don't fix it.

Meanwhile, Pandora is getting there. Not bothering with full plant pics, a random bud shot is enough as you can see pistils darkening and maybe even see frosting building up. Looking closer to the end of this month before she's clear, but she's drinking nicely and that's the main thing, just have to watch I don't overfeed with my totally scientific "yeah, about that much" method.


Aww bless her. What wonderfully considerate cat parents you are!

Cat, dog, horse, pig, whatever. It's a living being that needs a certain amount of care and consideration, not a bloody fashion accessory that can be cast away when you're bored with it as too many do nowadays. The animal is an intelligent individual and if you don't have the will or ability to interpret what it's telling you, or don't care about it's needs, then you don't deserve to have the animal and, well, my sig block says everything about people like that.
Morning AFN Amigos :d5:

Thank you so much for that info and for the rep points too bud :thumbsup:

I think they were your badges that were showing up , my first 2 badges were from a couple year back when I did my first and only grow , but now I'm back for good .

What do you say @blue can I get that fat kitty badge :thumbsup:

I say .... YES!! :D We'll get that sorted for you richykn! Gz on the 1000 rep!! :thumbsup:
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