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Don't think I'm overweight and only try to eat small meals during the day. As for caffeine not problem with that. I deal with headaches/migraines all the time. I always have weakness in my legs. My L1-S1 are shot so always in pain but try to make the best of it to be with my family and not the asshole I was before on prescription pain medications

Start slow jogging, and leg exercise.... kickboxing if possible

Ok this might sound strange...

Stop smoking and you know this time when ypur flowering reduce your temperature in ypur grow.. so just weaken the light and too use a dehumidifier. And plain water it will reduce the nutrients in the plant tissue. Just my advice.

Have a 1 week detox from smoking... if you don’t see a difference... go too the doctor..
And about sleep try too increase protein levels and testosterone...

Advice too a brother

I’m going to know I’ll catch ypu tommorow
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