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hey stoners! guess whos back. going to be giving it another go in a few weeks i can't hold out any longer. i have artisinals from mephisto from last year to grow, gotta decide on what i want, CDLC, cosmic queen or the freebie trident special. thinking the cosmic queen as i've always wanted to try a sativia dominant strain.
going to start small this time around, 2 autopots in coco/perlite with biotabs just using a cheap VIPARSPECTRA Reflector-Series 600W (real 280w)

just gotta wait on the biotabs to arrive and i can get started. super keen to get back into it! hows everyone been doing and anyone grown any of these artisanals that can comment? prefer something that isn't super stinky as stealth is a must.
20ml “shot”of some Sativa tincture..
View attachment 956741 Seems like the perfect time to start some baking

great photo. I want some! I been waiting to make cookies for a few weeks. My grow partner has not been able to get over here and it's starting to bug me! I want some cookies already. But I guess he's having family issues, oh well. You'd think if a guy is dealing with Fam issues, he would want some damn cookies.
We're pleased and proud to announce that we're a Gold Sponsor of the virtual CannaGrow Expo! CannaGrow was the first cannabis expo I've ever gone to when we moved to Colorado; we're very excited to work with them and we'd encourage all growers to check out the event (and it's FREE registration right now) to learn more (and look for our virtual booth!)

There's a company name/location listed on the registration; tell 'em you're with the Autoflower Network!

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