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So Mrs f6 and I are chronic tobbacco smokers, and cannabis lol

Mrs f6 has the worst immune system known to human kind, and works in an industry where she gets 1st hand exposure!

So finally jumped on the eCig band wagon.. next is the herb vape.

My country is pretty backwards and I'm just catching up in the last few years about both application and preparations. After better part of a year without access to my own hooter I haven't bothered to try and make green dragon or vape any Street weed.

Now! I'm in fully ready to roll :woohoo:

So Mrs f6 and I are chronic tobbacco smokers, and cannabis lol

Mrs f6 has the worst immune system known to human kind, and works in an industry where she gets 1st hand exposure!

So finally jumped on the eCig band wagon.. next is the herb vape.

My country is pretty backwards and I'm just catching up in the last few years about both application and preparations. After better part of a year without access to my own hooter I haven't bothered to try and make green dragon or vape any Street weed.

Now! I'm in fully ready to roll :woohoo:


You come across good means for making e-juice then I'm all ears. I'm just letting things dry out a bit in paper bags before having first experiment which is looking more like QWET and then cook into the PG/VG (PEG 400 and such like such as EJMix are nigh on impossible to get here and online prices are ridiculous) since it doesn't involve something simmering away for 3.5 hours (cook decarbed bud/trim straight into e-juice base).

Am definitely looking at a Cannolator soon though, then it's a very simple process to make oil which can be added to anything...
You come across good means for making e-juice then I'm all ears. I'm just letting things dry out a bit in paper bags before having first experiment which is looking more like QWET and then cook into the PG/VG (PEG 400 and such like such as EJMix are nigh on impossible to get here and online prices are ridiculous) since it doesn't involve something simmering away for 3.5 hours (cook decarbed bud/trim straight into e-juice base).

Am definitely looking at a Cannolator soon though, then it's a very simple process to make oil which can be added to anything...

I made vape stuff once, it wasnt that bad. The only hard part is straining it effectively. and I didn't use quite enough, or strong enough weed. If I do it again I will do the VG extraction the same, but use a press and better screening that isn't so messy and cumbersome. I got a potato ricer press to try. My recipe was 1 quart VG, 2 or 3 oz (decarbed) trim and popcorns, strain it three times coarse to fine, and then you have your main mix, just use a 2nd container and mix 50/50 or whatever with PG and you got vape stuff. Also, don't grind it up first, harder to strain. Just break it up by hand or scissors or something.

Next time I use one ounce quality bud and the trim on top of it, also I think we might have needed to go get a second quart of VG for all the dry matter....

I used a magic butter machine last month. It works awesome, and will do oils and other stuff too. I'm just not that into using extracts of any sort. Just smoking buds is great for me.
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Well, I'm going for a smaller quantity so pressing it out isn't going to be an issue, especially as my hands are somewhat stronger thanks to things like crutches. Coffee filters all the way, I have plenty of them, and the bud, popcorn and trim is sitting having a dry out first, better to get some fluid out before popping it in the oven I think, then decide which way to go. It's not as if I don't have time on my hands..
Oh, also I want it medically, so that means being able to have a specific "dose" which you don't get with smoking. Plus add in some flavouring to mask any odour and we have medicine I can take in a precise quantity I need when I need without arousing suspicion.

Plus I should get more "bang for my gram" since so much of it doesn't, err, go up in smoke and I can save up AVR and use that too.
Must be spring, 2 birds just had a shag on my fence just now...


f6 is on the home grown Spiritwalker!

View attachment 956658

Bring on the trippy shit!


Do you mean birds as in attractive young ladies, or small, feathered, flying creatures? If it's the former, try to get some pics next time!
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