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Holy shit brother..... should of took him too the ground, and called the police. But look end of the day ypu went out too enjoy yourself. Just report him.....

It could of easily been a girl or a disabled person that could of been a victim ???
Pretty sure it was legit, the guy just didn't identify himself properly and the time of evening. It all didn't make sense.. then got in my personal space.

I'm not in the business of punching anyone's lights out but when he did that I went into full fight/flight mode.

Subsequently im in the middle of an anxiety attack ffs :face:

Thankfully I'm aware of it and working through it, shit can go pear shaped real fast if I don't realise i've been triggered!

All good I guess

Flight response, boy I know what that is..... my body gone into flight response so many time, body go numb, only feeling the air. Legs going weak. Feeling like ypur about too die. Nobody can help. Every time ypur on the edge trying too avoid this emotion which makes your hand sweat from just thinking about, I know that feeling lol I live with it hahahha. It’s all down too getting enough sleep on the right time. And not cons7ming high thc strains. Just grow a indica for the night. And maybe haze cbd for the day.
Yo I understand

How too you control panic attacks then ?
Haven't found a way, CBT helps.

Haven't had access to home grown meds for a while and don't trust bag weed to make medicine with so will be trying some preparations when I pull my grow.

Next grow will have 2 slots filled by CBD strains so I can experiment with ratios.

Pharma meds fucked me up really bad, and they were only mild.

Biggest thing with me is realizing it's going on. If I don't then bad shit happens.

I'm a creature of habit, anything breaks my routine and or inner balance I loose the plot haha.

Not fully understood but probably PTSD


Something pretty funny just happened. Thought I'd share.

As a premise, I am by trade a network and software engineer. A son of one of my friends recently started college and is really heavy into the social network scene. To be expected, for sure. I don't know his exact age, but I would put it at close to 20.

He emails me out of the blue and wants to do a phone call to talk through some computer issues he was having. I get this all the time, as you can imagine.

A few minutes into the call, after exchanging pleasantries, we start to sort through his problem. Nothing serious, and it was fixed in short order. Now with the important stuff out of the way, I ask him what's new.

He shared with me a story of how he was having a lot of fun pranking his roommates. He said, and this is nearly a verbatim quote, "So I have been trolling my roommates by repeatedly searching for things like "gay cruise." Since we all share the same WiFi, it will start showing up when they use the internet."

Now, immediately I see a couple of problems here. Not the least is the brutally immature attempt at humor... but he's 20, so I can kinda understand. The second was that it was also obvious just how flawed his plan was.

I asked him if it was working. He said it most certainly was, and when asked for screenshots of his desktop for proof, he happily provided them. I won't post them here out of respect for his privacy, but I can honestly say I have never seen that many ads for gay themed events/places/products on a single screen in my entire life. His facebook page was littered with them.

At this point, I am having a hard time not laughing loudly. I asked him how long he had been doing this. "Several months," he responded. "Well, friend, I have some bad news for you. To start with, you have only managed to troll yourself. This will not affect anyone else at all."

He asked if perhaps clearing out his browsing history and cookies would help. Part of me wishes that I had said "It's all you can do," and ended it there. But I couldn't contain myself.

"You have already convinced the majority of marketing AIs that you are gay. Gay people search for 'gay cruises,' Straight people do not search for 'heterosexual cruises.' Convincing the googles and facebooks of the world you are gay is not something easily done by accident. The only way you can reverse this is to abandon all email and social media accounts and start anew."

(long pause... he doesn't respond, so I continue on) "So when did you first realize you were gay? It's ok. We're friends."

(muffled curse words) He hangs up.

And finally, I can laugh.

I waken up in the morning, feel I'm in a fair bit of pain, then read this, laugh, and despite laughing so hard it feels like a disc has moved further out of place know that all is right in the world.

That one's up there with the "not so clever" person who didn't realise you had to "push" a cd/dvd down over the little bearings in a laptop cd/dvd drive so it would not come loose in transport and was convinced there was something wrong with the drive and asked me to fix it. That little devil inside my head flicked the switch so I convinced him he had metric cd's but an "imperial" drive so the hole in the disc would never fit, meaning he would have to replace the offending CD. Two days later I heard about how the guy at the local record store REALLY struggled to keep a straight face when he called me a bastard, for he knew who was behind that one...

Won't go into the time I convinced some American tourists in London that they were going to change the clock on Big Ben into a digital one for the Millenium (Yes, I know Big Ben is just the bell and we are talking about the clock tower of the Palace of Westminster, but let's not quibble)...
I agree with Archie. Unless the rate of growth seems impacted, this looks like something that will clear up soon enough.

Or will never clear because it's just the plant doing it's thing and is of no worry whatsoever. Have a couple of leaves on my Pandora that have "varigated", I find them nice to look at as it shows how much plants can just do their own thing for the hell of it to tray and make you panic over nothing, the evil little schweinhunds.
Well f6's nerves are shot and blood pressure through the roof..

Had to take off early from work today.

Last night I went to the pub had some drinks and a meal. Had to visit the cash machine up the road and some fellow is kinda loitering around. Plain clothes, tells me not to use one as it's not working. So I use the other..

I wander back to the pub, play some slots, have to go to cash machine again. Same bloke there. He's on the phone.

Thought it was odd, anyway more slots and another visit to the bank. It's about 8pm btw.

Same bloke, I eye him off but don't say anything. Do my thing and as cash comes out he crouches down and sticks his head between the machine and me.


I fully lost my shit..

He goes, I wasn't looking at your pin I'm a technician fixing the machine, I was listening to it.

I go what the fuck, are you an ATM whisperer? He keeps trying to tell me it's ok. Think I was anything but ok at this stage. Challenged him on not identifying himself or having any identifying clothing, I said who are you with? Bank of Nike? On flexi time are we?

He then unzips his Nike hoodie.. I almost dropped him right then. Thought better of it and walk off still giving him a spray and some warnings about his troubleshooting style.

He retreats to the bank entrance where there was security dude inside (couldn't see him earlier) and goes inside so maybe legit I guess.

Anyhoo, I'm shocked, who does that?

f6 is not the sort of person to annoy.. I'm 6ft, 100kg and covered in tattoos.

I rang the bank and made a complaint but I'm pretty wound up and I've missed half a days pay.

Could have been very bad, any trouble and I'll probably get locked down.

I have enough trouble keeping some semblance of inner peace and balance and when shit goes down it takes me a concerted effort to re focus.

Surprised I can type this or roll a joint, have bad arsed tremors, face is on fire, veins in neck are popping out..


Deep breaths..

That's my news lol

How are you guys?


As soon as he ducked his head in, it would have been bounced off the ATM at high speed. Doesn't matter if he was a tech or not, you don't do that and if he was a tech then he should have had things like test cards to use PLUS have ID and identified himself.

And that's before the small matter of how all his work is done BEHIND the machine.

And I know whose side the police would be on if he had the balls to call them, and it wouldn't be his.
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