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I have been to several ceremonies of various types, I'm not going to really go into detail here. These things are very personal. The meanings of which would be lost to most any way. When dealing with Spirit, one interprets things based on very individual filters. We could both share an identical vision and come away with separate meanings from it.

Thats a slightly patronising answer right there mate. I wasn't asking for anyone to decode. I am aware of your points.

I was merely offering to share the experience, not the details or meaning. Life is about sharing. Without that, no point to life.

If we helped get a program going where those of you in legal states, or even non-legal states but part of cannabis advocacy groups, would get together and help with the adopt-a-highway programs, would anyone have interest in that? I'm contacting our state about adopting a few miles of road to clean up litter on behalf of Autoflower Network and I thought "what if we could encourage everyone to try to do this?" I picked up trash as a kid in 4-H Club (if you don't know what that is, google it and laugh at me lol.) I thought it was really rewarding though and taught about helping people out; thought it might be a good community move to show people that cannabis users get off their asses and help communities (and it's an easy one to do, trash goes in the bag, bag goes to a pickup spot, state handles the rest.)

Any thoughts, our good Samaritans?
I like the idea.

Maybe take it a bit further.... there is no shortage of volunteer-driven community services that could use help.

It would also be helpful to set up a non-profit LLC and have people register as volunteers. Volunteers report what they are doing to help, and its aggregated into a section of the website. The LLC puts a common name to the distributed efforts.

Just my $0.02
YaY! The girls are 70 today! :bday:

View attachment 951856
Nana's smell funky..

That's not a sea of green, that is an ocean of green my friend. Wow! Nugs looking dankalicious!:drool:

"Hey honey, I am stepping out for a bit to go and visit a friend, I might be a little late tonight."
That's not a sea of green, that is an ocean of green my friend. Wow! Nugs looking dankalicious!:drool:

"Hey honey, I am stepping out for a bit to go and visit a friend, I might be a little late tonight."

I am only allowed to look at them through the window.. Mrs f6 starts going batshit if the tent is open to long

It's quickly approaching the first anniversary of my first harvest. I do not believe I have gone a single day without a righteous buzz ever since. The last time I smoked "street weed" is easily three years ago. And my only source was a very long drive.
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