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[HASHTAG]#afnnightshift[/HASHTAG] .........stand down...............:pie:..cookies and coffee in the staff room for you.

[HASHTAG]#livestoners[/HASHTAG] we have a lot of site work going on ATM....I'll leave it in your capable hands to watch site while we are working...

any problems you can't handle..hit the report button on the post and we'll pick it up in the back shop....

Thank you...:bravo:... [HASHTAG]#livesstoners[/HASHTAG] have the Helm..


Don't touch any of the buttons..:yoinks:..and watch out for Klingons...we don't want no damn spam in here.....:troll:

[HASHTAG]#afnnightshift[/HASHTAG] .........stand down...............:pie:..cookies and coffee in the staff room for you.

[HASHTAG]#livestoners[/HASHTAG] we have a lot of site work going on ATM....I'll leave it in your capable hands to watch site while we are working...

any problems you can't handle..hit the report button on the post and we'll pick it up in the back shop....

Thank you...:bravo:... [HASHTAG]#livesstoners[/HASHTAG] have the Helm..


Don't touch any of the buttons..:yoinks:..and watch out for Klingons...we don't want no damn spam in here.....:troll:

Dinnea worry Mossy ,,,, :angel:

Muuahhhhhaaa , now where's that warp drive switch :eyebrows:

Get a scooter bro, might cheer you up!


I would, but the exercise helps me keep vaguely "flexible" so can hopefully delay the time it will be before I'm wheelchair bound. But it didn't go bad, nice and sunny which instantly puts you in a better mood, take things nice and steady so the stress on the body is reduced, managed it in just under an hour so am proud of that.

But the temper is up thanks to that "specialist", aka psychiatrist, who was lucky SWMBO decided that it was better to wait until we were a certain distance away before saying what he said or he would have been hospitalised. He was late, didn't have the decency to tell anyone he was running late and had the nerve to say that if I was so pissed off because of HIS screw up (he tried to blame traffic problems when I could look online and see there were no such things in a 10 mile radius) that I should have just started looking at porn on my tablet in his waiting room.

Needless to say, she's not going back to such an unprofessional piece of dog manure, for that was not the only comment he made to her, but I might do so just to give him a REAL piece of my mind because it's going to take me 2 days to sort out the problems he caused in 15 minutes.

If he only had the manners to tell someone that he was running late and was sorry, then there would be no problem. But he took out his frustrations on a patient and that is unacceptable under any circumstances and I will make him pay for that.

So now that's over and done with we're going to have a rest to let her calm down then go out and enjoy the sun, find a nice spot outside to enjoy a drink in the sun, and basically do everything that imbecile said we shouldn't because his words are meaningless and then I'll decide how hard the shitstorm is going to hit him because of his arrogance and absolute lack of professionalism. Plenty other places she can go, and more accessible ones, and when our own GP hears what went on I know he'll be having words too as he's the one who recommended the arsehole in the first case, and obviously didn't know what sort of a jack off he is.
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