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It fluctuates between 70 and 80, usually. I keep the humidity between 40 and 55% constant. I've read different accounts of the effects of temperature shifts of 10 degrees or more, but it seems to me that it better mimics the change in temperature between night and day. Some say its either beneficial or has no effect, others claim it can stunt the plant or cause other issues. As this is only my second grow, I really don't have a educated opinion either way. The first one turned out exceedingly well, so there's my only anecdotal account.

For me, I was thinking of using an IR thermometer to measure temperature delta between air and the top of the plant.. see if I might want to move the light one way or the other.

I just did exactly that yesterday, shifted the l8ght above my early 1-2 week old plants up 4 inches, leaf and soil temps are way more stable and manageble now.
Always thought it was rather funny how we treat our plants..

At first, we watch them being born, nurturing them along until they are strong enough to go at it on their own before moving them into their new, loving, home.

We immediately start a rather intimate relationship. Tending to her every need. Making sure she gets what she needs to eat and drink, protecting her from those that would do her harm.

I don't know about you, but if I leave the house for more than a few hours, the very first thing I do when I get home is check on my girls. Make sure they are doing well.

As sometimes happens, the little ladies might just grow a wee bit akwardly, preventing them from reaching their full potential. And then we pour enormous amounts of effort into making sure our little girl will be the best that she can be!

And then one day.... Chop Chop! Off to the jars with you!

Think thats bad? Then we spend the next few months tearing chunks off of her dead body and burning them. To an outsider, I imagine that looks quite spiteful.

Though I'm sure she'd want it this way... :pass:
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