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:smoking:yes! I've heard nothing but raves about NQ, so she's on the try-list at the top! My gripe and why i grow mostly Sati'-dom's is that Indica's are so easy to get at dispensaries, etc.,... so few want to bother with Sativa's, especially the longer blooming ones,.. the menus are typically about 5:1 in strain choices between them,.. and usually the damn boring shit over and over: Sour D', Jack Herer, Green Crack, blah blah *yaaaawn*,... I'm so tired of some of these strains, I don't care if I ever smoke them again,....
I am always hearing that different strains affect different people different and I believe that based on my experience. Indica's are supposed to relax and mellow you out and they do me once I get used to one but if I am ever gonna have an anxious moment it is after smoking an indica just about always. Sativa's on the other hand mostly make me giddy and at ease and a laugh factory. Go figure???
@912GreenSkell I'm one of those "lazy " growers you refer to. But when It comes to the growing of cannabis I came with the preconceived idea that all you had to do was buy some seeds and stick them in a pot of soil . Little did I know it was a little more complicated . I did little or no research right from the beginning . Personalities enter into the equation as well . I'm a doer not a reader and have a very short attention span . Reader's Digest is a long read for me . My learning has for the most part been trial and error mostly error and it's expensive . My grows do not stack up to many of the grower's here and the learning process has had many twists and turns but I wouldn't trade it for anything and the knowledge I have picked up along the way will stay with me for a long time . Who knows I might even get good at it . :pighug:

Nice bird... but a sick tree some sorta fungus,
At the joints it’s as if it’s been struck by lightning
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